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Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

What is CRPS

CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) was formally known as RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) is considered to be a multi-system disorder characterised by severe pain; pathological changes of the bones, joints, and skin; excessive sweating; tissue swelling; and hypersensitivity to light touch. It is generally categorised as crps type 1 or crps type 2. (Brence, J. 2014)

Whilst not entirely understood by the medical world, CRPS occurs when both the nervous and immune system malfunction in response to an injury.  In simple terms, the brain recognises constant pain signals from nerves, despite the fact there might no longer be an injury. 

What does CRPS feel like?

Coming soon

What 's it like to live with CRPS

Coming soon

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