
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Peroneal Nerve Palsy (Foot Drop)
Multi-level Degenerative Foraminal Stenosis
6 Bilateral Bulging Discs (C4, C5, C6, C7, T7 & T8)
Recent Medal Record...
British Paralimbing Series
British Paralimbing Championship
RP3 - Male
RP3 - Male
RP3 - Male
RP3 - Male
Nationality: British English
Category: Paraclimbing - RP3
Climbing is the ultimate sport, combining physical agility, strength and mental problem solving...
Paraclimbers embody grit and the sheer will to overcome adversity. You won't ever get a group of more inclusive, resilient and co-petitive people...
Matt White, Paralympic Hopeful 2028
A bit about me...
I was always 'different' as a kid and didn't feel pain like normal children. From bolts through my shoulder to broken bones, I pushed harder than average and then at 12 years old I injured my right hand. Rather than getting better over time, the pain got worse and I was diagnosed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) when I was 13 .
I've been lucky and my CRPS didn't stop me...it pumped me full of adrenaline, took away my fear and effectively meant I couldn't feel pain (if you're in a swimming pool and already wet, you don't feel more wet if someone splashes you), As I grew older I realised this meant I could push myself harder and further (often than I should have done) often only stopping when I literally broke.
Fast forward to the start of lockdown 1 in 2020...I tried to put my socks on and realised I couldn't lift my foot. A trip to A&E, 2 hour MRI and a nerve conduction test later thy concluded I was broken (or more accurately I had perineal nerve palsy as the cause of the foot drop).
As an aside, they also discovered I had 6 bulging discs and multi-level foraminal stenosis.
18 months later I took my daughters to Volume 1 in East Grinstead and met Be Fuller (GB Paraclimbing Coach) who took an interest in me, agreeing to train me. A couple of month later, I competed in the British Paraclimbing Championships and my journey into competitive paraclimbing began...